Advanced Techniques in Biomagnetism Training

advance biomagnetism therapy training session
Advanced Techniques in Biomagnetism Training

Biomagnetism is a therapy that uses magnets to target specific areas of the body, aiming to rebalance pH and improve overall function. This is an advanced blog post for Biomagnetism practitioners. Deriving from basic principles such as magnet placement, through which enhanced training progresses. We’ll also be looking at how to choose complex health-related biomagnetic pairs of magnets for holistic health care. 

Core Techniques Covered in Basic Biomagnetism Training

Placement  of Magnets and Its Importance:

  • The concept behind Biomagnetism Therapy is using two different strength magnets for restoration purposes. These consist of magnets placed on various points on the human body.
  • The purpose here is to bring back original pH levels within the human body while providing an environment where harmful microorganisms cannot thrive. By doing so, the healing process becomes more effective by achieving a normal pH level when corrected.
  • Magnetic placement involves the identification of biomagnetic pairs which are specific points found near each other in both sides of a person’s body where they create opportunities for self-healing and prevent further damage.

Understanding pH Levels:

  • This means that a measure of acidity or alkalinity within a person’s system can be told through their pH levels ranging from 0-14, with neutral being.
  • For one’s well-being then it is very paramount that there should always exist an optimal pH balance. Imbalanced pH levels (either too acidic or too alkaline) can result in many diverse diseases.
  • To regulate pH imbalances, biomagnetism employs use of magnets; this implies that when placed over acidogenic points they will help normalize equilibrium again.

Where Should the Magnets and What Kind of Magnets Should Be Used?

Biomagnetism training is all about teaching people how they can use magnets for therapy in a way that will be most effective. They teach about pH balance and infection treatment specifically. You can take this course online or at a physical location.

Where to Place Magnets:

  • North Pole Magnet – Placed on acidic sites so as to normalize pH levels.
  • South Pole Magnet – Applied over alkaline sites, thereby balancing out their pH value.

Muscle Testing (Kinesiology):

  • For that reason, many professionals typically resort to kinesiology to identify imbalances in a body.
  • By testing muscle strength or weakness, practitioners are able to determine which biomagnetic pairs have to be used.
  • This kind of testing helps to know what therapy options are available and where magnets should be placed.

Two magnets are positioned close together around an infection; this creates a healing root cause of the infection by balancing the local body pH in that region.

Why Balance pH Level?

We need to maintain the balance of pH for health reasons. This includes:

  • Neutral pH: It allows the body functions to work well and inhibits pathogens from thriving.
  • Prevention against Diseases: The use of magnetic therapy in correcting imbalances of pH prevents infections and relieves them too.
  • Faster Healing Process: When balance is restored, it supports natural healing, thus leading to better health outcomes.

Varieties of Training

  • On-site Education– Involves hands-on practice sessions with experienced therapists who teach proper muscle testing skills as well as correct magnet placement techniques.
  • Online Education – Contains self-paced learning modules that cover all aspects needed for understanding this subject comprehensively from anywhere around the world at any given time frame required by an individual learner.

This kind of training equips professionals with the knowledge necessary for the usefulness of biomagnetism, which leads to better health through the strategic use of magnets according to areas needing them most, as well as maintaining optimum pH balance within bodies.

FAQs: Advanced Techniques in Biomagnetism Training

Q1. Is biomagnetism only limited to magnetic pH balancing?

The idea of pH balance is, at times, used as an introduction to biomagnetism, but it’s a simple idea. Biomagnetism training, on the other hand, involves the understanding of the body’s innate biomagnetic field and how incongruences may lead to malfunction.

Q2. What are some examples of advanced techniques used in biomagnetism training?

Advancement in practitioners’ skills is seen through the use of energetic scanning and autonomic response testing as opposed to just focusing on pH when looking for biomagnetic imbalances. Your body’s energy field has been more comprehensively assessed through these methods.


Advanced training in Biomagnetism equips practitioners with the skills necessary to handle complex health conditions, integrating Biomagnetism with other healing modalities. By considering complex factors alongside ethical concerns during the therapy process, experts can, therefore, apply advanced techniques for a holistic approach towards Biomagnetism therapy that is more useful.

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